Idoly Pride Wiki
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A Place That Cannot Be Reached Alone (自分だけじゃ辿り着けない場所; Jibun Dake ja Tadoritsukenai Basho) is the 10th episode of the IDOLY PRIDE anime series. It aired on March 14, 2021.


A flashback of Rui Tendo's journey as an idol begins as she auditions for Van Production. Her mother told her before the audition that the president of the company, Kyoichi Asakura, is her father. She tells Asakura that she wants to become a top idol, and will stop at nothing to become one.

During the NEXT VENUS Grand Prix semi-finals, TRINITYAiLE and Sunny Peace meet backstage before their performances. Back at the office, Asakura wonders what song Sunny Peace will perform next. Rui tells him that they will beat Mana's undefeated streak, and he tells her that they will never surpass Mana while focused on her record.

At the rehearsal studios, Sunny Peace are encouraging each other in hopes of reaching the finals. Listening outside are Makino and Mana, where Mana stumbles. She appears with dark patches on her skin, with Makino beginning to worry about her condition.

At the semi finals, Sunny Peace and TRINITYAiLE perform, with Sunny Peace beating TRINITYAiLE to the finals. After breaking their undefeated streak, Asakura compliments Rui on their recent performance, with Rui beginning to cry.



For images from this episode, visit the image gallery.
